Was Hezbollah's Egypt Cell Targeting Tel Aviv?


More on this story, from the Jerusalem Post:

Members of the Hizbullah terror cell arrested by Egyptian authorities intended to carry out suicide bomb attacks in Tel Aviv, Egyptian daily Al-Masri Al-Youm reported on Thursday.

According to the report, Egyptian officials made the discovery while interrogating two of the 49 men arrested on suspicion of belonging to a terror cell led by senior Hizbullah operative Sami Shihab.

The two, Mohamed Ramadan Abdel Fattah Baraka and Nadal Fathy Hassan, were also found to be Fatah members, the paper claimed, citing "informed sources" as saying that they were arrested a few weeks ago after entering Sinai from the Gaza Strip through a tunnel.

The sources reportedly added that the prosecution began questioning the Fatah detainees on Tuesday.

The Jerusalem Post could not independently confirm the report.

There's more:

Egypt fears Hizbullah terror cells will be instructed to attack Egyptian targets amid the growing tensions between Cairo and the Lebanese terror group following actions taken by Egypt against Hizbullah operatives in the country, the London-based Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper quoted an official from the Egyptian parliament as saying.

Earlier this week, Egyptian MPs called to put Hizbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah on trial for encouraging "terror activities in an attempt to destabilize the [Egyptian] state."

My take? The ramifications of all this are huge for the region. It conceivably strengthens Egyptian/Israeli relations while also adding to the longtime friction between Egyptand Hezbollah’s benefactor, Iran/st1 :country-region>. In short, it’s all part of a larger, developing Middle East cold war, with Iran Hezbollah Syriaand Hamas on one side, and predominantly Sunni, Western-friendly regimes like Egypt Jordan/st1 :country-region> and the Saudis on the other.  If Irangoes nuclear, you will see these more moderate Arab states (granted, I use the term "moderate" extremely loosely when it coems to the Saudis) make a mad dash to get nukes of their own to offset Iran/st1 :country-region>’s growing influence and power. And to be blunt, they are all privately hoping that the U.S. (unlikely) or Israel/st1 :country-region> (increasingly likely) will take out those Iranian nuclear facilities. Of course, all of these regimes will then be compelled to publicly condemn any strike against Iran in order to pacify their own populations, which are sure to be in a violent uproar./p>

By the way, Israel has to be saying 'I told you so," in the wake of these high-span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial">profile Hezbollah arrests in Egypt. The arrestsnbsp;show the world that the Iran/Hezbollah problem goes beyond Israel/st1 :place> and affects the stability and security of the entire region.. /span>

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