I LOVE hearing about Love -- so when my co-worker told me she got engaged, I was thrilled!
I immediately began to rejoice with Kelly and the celebration brought to mind the scripture about rejoicing with others.
"Rejoice with those who rejoice (sharing others' joy), and weep with those who weep (sharing others' grief). Romans 12:15 Amplified
Trust me, I know it can be hard to rejoice with others when good things happen for them and not for you. I think we all have had that "what about me?" attitude.
But I believe there's a blessing for you when you rejoice when others are blessed. For one, it takes your mind off of you and helps you to focus on being happy for someone else.
Just imagine how you'd feel if something awesome happened in your life (you get engaged, buy a new house or car, get a promotion on the job) and no one is happy for you (let that sink in a minute).
No doubt, it's probably very easy for most people to rejoice at the wedding of a friend, if you're happily married. But if you're single, searching and would like to be married, well, that's another story.
But I'm pretty sure God knew this would be hard to do when he inspired Romans 12:15's admonition to rejoice with those who rejoice.
So as you wait on the Lord for that special someone in your life, or for that financial breakthrough, trust God's plan and his timing and in the words of Joyce Meyer, learn to be happy where you are on the way to where you are going, and along the way sow seeds of rejoicing with others and you're sure to reap a harvest of rejoicing when it's your time!