Healthy and Beautiful, Inside and Out

Keri says it is important what we eat.  She developed an 8-week meal plan with real foods that are nutrient dense and rich in antioxidants.  Keri says that eating right is only one part of losing weight successfully.  At her practice, Keri helps people find their best body weight with easy rules which her clients call the “Keri Code.”  “Each rule is connected and support the others,” she says.  Some of her rules include: eating more, not less; relieving stress; drinking 8 glasses of water; being active; pampering yourself; getting 7 – 9 hours of sleep every night; and simplifying your life.  “The more sleep you get, the more energy you have to work out, the more weight you lose.  The more you choose nutrient-dense foods, the more motivated you are to exercise and the deeper you sleep.  The closer you get to 8 glasses of fluids a day, the better you look and the happier you feel.”

Her 8-week meal plan kicks off with an 8-food, 4-day cleanse and includes: artichokes, avocados, eggs, Granny Smith apples, lentils, olive oil, salmon and spinach.  The foods were chosen because as a group they are comprised of healthy fat, protein, fiber, water and loaded with antioxidants.  She also promotes drinking 2 glasses of green tea each day.  After the 4-day cleanse, Keri suggests loading up on her 8 favorite empowering foods:

  1. Blueberries: are known for their antioxidant properties and effectiveness in boosting memory, cognition and balance.
  2. Black beans: are high in protein (1 cup has 15 grams), high in folate and have more antioxidants than any other legume. 
  3. Chile peppers: have capsaicin, the substance used for medical applications and as a topical pain reliever.  Helps many feel less hungry.
  4. Garlic: is packed with antioxidants.  Compounds in garlic (allicin) has been linked to fending off heart disease, cancer and even colds. 
  5. Green tea: rich in antioxidants called catechins and may trigger weight loss by stimulating the body to burn calories and decrease fat. 
  6. Red grapefruit:  loaded with vitamin C and fiber but also helps jumpstart any weight loss program.  Red and pink grapefruit contain lycopene and are good for the heart; manages Type 2 diabetes.
  7. Sweet potatoes:  loaded with beta carotene – more than any other fruit or vegetable.  A perfect solution for a sweet craving.
  8. Yogurt: has healthy bacteria for efficient digestion – a must for anyone trying to shed pounds

Keri recommends 8 stress-fighting foods (p. 46): cashews, celery, dark chocolate, flaxseed, grass-fed beef, oatmeal, oranges, red bell peppers.  Her pampering foods (p. 119 good for skin, hair, nails) include: brazil nuts, coconut butter (or coconut for baking), figs, honey, lobster, mushroom, papaya, rosemary

Keri is a nationally recognized nutrition expert and has been a leader in advancing a “whole person” approach to health and wellness.  She has dedicated her career to creating services and promoting education through her “Nutrition Life” brand.  Her mission is to teach people to go beyond a good diet and take a whole person approach to wellness, health and beauty.  “All of my rules work together to create a firm foundation so you’ll never fall off the diet wagon again,” she says.