No Walls to Keep Out the Rats!


For the past seventeen years, Elvis Tecco has been raising his sons as a single parent. He told us that the boys' mother left one day and never returned. To support them Elvis has a back breaking job hauling and then selling bananas at the market. He heads out at four o'clock in the morning to buy a few bunches to sell there.

"Elvis Junior and David are the most important things in my life," Elvis said proudly.

The boys speak as highly of their father.

"My dad means everything to us," Elvis Jr. said. "I don't know what we would do without him. He is our hero and our role model!"

Elvis has always wanted to give his boys more than he had for himself growing up. So he has made sacrifices to make sure the boys stay in school. The shanty where they live is one example of that.

"The house had no walls and when it rained water poured in," Elvis said.

"The other big problem," Elvis Jr. said, "is the rats! They come in all the time, and they were scary."

So CBN's Operation Blessing built them a new house which is completely enclosed. It protects them from the weather ... and the rats. We also bought them new mattresses.

"We used to sleep on the floor on some plastic. Now I sleep on a comfortable mattress!" David said.

We also helped Elvis grow his business. Now that he sells so many bananas, they're delivered for free and his income has now quadrupled!

"The house you have given us and the increase in the business is a blessing from God! Thank you so much," Elvis said.

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