Obama: Workplace Policies for Women like "Mad Men"


Speaking to women gathered for the #StateofWomen Summit in Washington, President Obama said American workplace "policies still look like they're straight out of Mad Men," a popular TV series set in the 1960's about an ad agency.

He believes workplace policies need to be updated to fit today's working women like paid sick leave and increased minimum wage. 

The summit drew lots of celebrities, activists and lady business leaders. The highlight of the day was a conversation between two of the most influential women in the world, First Lady Michelle Obama and Oprah Winfrey. 

Mrs. Obama told Oprah she "specifically did not read other first lady's books because I did not want to be influenced by how they define the role. I knew that I would have to define this role very uniquely and specifically to me and who I was."

She also said she learned early on that "if you do not take control over your time and your life other people will gobble it up. If you don't prioritize yourself you constantly start falling lower and lower on your list. Your kids start falling lower and lower on your list".

You can watch their entire conversation here.

According to the Department of Labor:
57% of women work outside the home.
70% of women with children under the age of 18 work.
26% of working women work in the math and computer fields.

And the most popular professions for working women are nursing, teaching and working as administrative assistants.