Cartoon Change’s Family’s Life


9-year-old Bam was thrilled when she was able to move near her cousin, Shalom in Chinburi Province, Thailand.

“I was so excited! We played games together. We went biking, running and swimming. I am so happy to live here,” Bam told CBN.

Bam was a Buddhist; Shalom, a Christian. One day Shalom invited her cousin to watch a Superbook episode about Naaman the Leper at her church.

“Naaman had leprosy. His servant told him about Elisha,” said Bam. “Elisha told Naaman to wash in the Jordan River seven times. After Naaman did that, the leprosy was gone!”

When Bam came home, she told her grandma, who was also Buddhist, about Naaman’s miracle. Grandma asked Bam to pray for her.

“Grandma’s legs had been hurting,” recalled Bam. “She could barely walk. I prayed, ‘Father God, thank you for today and please heal Grandma’s legs completely.’”  

“Bam prayed for me, and the next morning, I could walk normally again! The pain was gone, and it hasn’t come back,” reported Grandma.

Bam kept going to Sunday school with her cousin. After a few weeks, they watched the Superbook episode about Samuel. That’s when Bam decided to pray to become a Christian.

“I liked the story about Samuel. I felt like God was calling me just like He called Samuel. I prayed with my teacher to invite Jesus to come into my heart.”

Every morning before school, Bam prayed with her brother and sisters. After they went Sunday school and watched Superbook, they prayed to become Christians too. “I’m so happy that my siblings came to watch Superbook with me,” she said. “Now they also believe in Jesus, and we are getting to know Him together!”

Meanwhile Bam’s grandma has also prayed to become a Christian!  

“Because of Superbook, I’ve come to know God, my Grandma is healed, and my whole family believes in Jesus. Thank you for creating Superbook for us!” said the young girl with a smile.