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Iran Escalates Missile Tests in Wake of Nuclear Deal


Iran has test-fired yet another ballistic missile, the latest in a string of missile tests since Iran struck a nuclear deal with the Obama administration and Western nations.

Iran announced today that the test was carried out two weeks ago.

The latest missile can travel 1,250 miles, just long enough to reach Israel and other nations in the Middle East.  

Iranian military commanders have described these missiles as a strategic asset, capable of hitting U.S. bases or Israel in the event of a strike on Iran.

In March, Iran test-fired two missiles, one of which was emblazoned with the phrase "Israel must be wiped out" in Hebrew.

It turns out the nuclear deal given to Iran does not ban missile launches.

In fact, when it went into effect on January 16, the Security Council lifted most U.N. sanctions against Tehran, including a ban it had imposed in 2010 on Iran testing missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads.
The council has since adopted a resolution last July, which only "calls on" Iran not to carry out such tests.


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