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Global Arms Race Ahead? Putin Reveals New Russian Missiles Immune to Intercept


Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced a scientific breakthrough in technology that he claims will make his country's missiles immune to enemy intercept.

During his State of the Russian Union Speech, he talked of developing a new array of more powerful strategic weapons, some that cannot be intercepted

Among the missiles developed? A new ballistic rocket called the Sarmat.

"Sarmat is a very powerful mighty weapon. Due to its characteristics, even prospective anti-ballistic missile systems would not be an obstacle for it," the Russian president explained.

Putin said the power, range, and number of warheads the Sarmat rocket can carry far exceeds the previous generation of Russian long-range missiles.

He says new nuclear-powered cruise missile have also been developed, along with a nuclear-powered underwater drone that would be immune from enemy intercept.

Michaela Dodge, Senior Policy Analyst at the Heritage Foundation told CBN News National Security Correspondent Erik Rosales that the United States has operated under an incorrect belief about Russian intentions and capabilities for years.

"Right now we are working under an assumption that potential with Russia is low, and Russia is no longer an adversary, which was President Obama's policy. That is not true," Dodge said.

And defense experts say if true, the technological breakthroughs Putin just announced may dramatically increase Russian military capabilities and possibly lead to a new global arms race.

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