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Will Graham Leads Massive Gospel Crusade in Romania

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Will Graham, the grandson of Billy Graham, preached the Gospel to tens of thousands of Romanians this weekend, making him the third generation of Grahams to preach in the country. 

More than 32,000 people flooded Cluj-Napoca, Romania, the country's second largest city, to hear Graham's message of hope. 

"Jesus is truth; the truth that you're looking for. He's the answer to your problems. You'll never regret giving your life to Him," Graham told the crowd. "I'm here to tell you that your Heavenly Father loves you and is ready for you to come home!"

More than 600 people responded to the Gospel message and gave their lives to Christ, according to the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. 

Even the volunteers said they were deeply impacted by the message. 

"My faith is strengthened and restored. We see that all of our prayers and the time and everything we've prepared for is not in vain," one of the volunteers said. "I think the main thing is we see that God is alive, He's working, and He's listening to our prayers. As a Christian, yeah, you have that amazing feeling."

Graham was joined by a 1,500-strong choir of young people to lead the crowd in worship. American contemporary artist Aaron Shust also led the people in passionate worship. 

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