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How Changing Her Diet Helped Kelly Clarkson Control a Thyroid Condition and Lose Weight

Photo Credit: kellyclarkson via Instagram

Singer Kelly Clarkson is crediting a new diet with helping her lose weight.

"I don't work out," Clarkson told the entertainment news program, "Extra." "I think people think I'm working out and I'm like, 'Don't think I'm going to come to play some sport!'"

Clarkson said the weight loss came when she changed her diet after reading the book, The Plant Paradox, by Steven R. Gundry, MD.

"It's basically about how we cook our food, non-GMO, no pesticides, eating really organic," Clarkson explained.

Since changing her diet to reflect what she learned while reading the book, Clarkson has lost over 30 pounds. But she told the NBC's "Today" although she knows the music industry likes the weight loss, losing weight wasn't what drove her to change her diet.

"For me, it was, 'I'm not on my medicine anymore," she said.

Clarkson has an autoimmune disease and a thyroid condition. She says since starting the diet laid out in the book, she has been able to gain better control over her health conditions.    

"I don't take medicine unless I absolutely need it," Clarkson told "Today."

Like Clarkson, around 12 percent of Americas will develop a thyroid condition in their lifetime. According to the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, that's about 30 million people.

The Mayo Clinic reports symptoms of thyroid conditions develop over time and often start with weight gain and fatigue.

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