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Boston Public Schools Refuse CBN Questions on LGBTQ Funds 'Because You Are a Christian News Agency'


American taxpayer funds are being used to support the LGBTQ agenda in Boston public schools, and it's a move that could have nationwide implications.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reportedly awarded $350,000 per year for Boston's LGBTQ school groups.

The Boston Herald reports the city's public schools are very LGBTQ-friendly and that's why the CDC awarded the funding, so their policies can be used as a model for educators nationwide.

For example, Boston Public Schools (BPS) offers a course in “Orientation and Identity” in their Health and Wellness overview for high school students.

While the Boston Herald article  did not cite any opposing viewpoints, CBN News did reach out to BPS to hear their side of the story.

But the press office refused to speak with us. Their reason: “because you are a Christian news agency.” The spokesperson stated that meant the coverage would not be favorable. At the time of this posting CBN News had not received any other comment from BPS.

While the liberal-leaning newspaper did report the BPS point of view, they did not report about groups that question whether it's appropriate to push a pro-LGBTQ agenda on minors using taxpayer dollars. 

American Family Association President Walker Wildmon told CBN News he opposes this use of taxpayer money. While BPS may not approve of his comments, they do represent the other side of the story.

“The American Family Association believes that federal taxpayer dollars have no place in funding student-led programs that promote unhealthy and sexually deviant behavior," he said. 

"This situation in Boston begs the question: Will the CDC offer grants to Christian student groups that teach that sexual behavior is best in a marital union between one man and one woman? It is time that our government stop picking sides in this culture war and leave such controversial issues up to the American people to decide,” Wildmon said.

CBN News also reached out to the CDC for comment. They confirmed the Boston LGBTQ funding saying, "Boston Public Schools receives funding from CDC to collect and report Youth Risk Behavior Survey and School Health Profiles data; to deliver sexual health education; increase adolescent access to key sexual health services; and to establish safe and supportive environments for all students and staff."

In addition, the CDC website does verify the agency's special concern for youth who identify themselves as gay, lesbian or transgender.

The CDC says their research shows these students feel marginalized and need special attention, adding, “lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ)* youth experience elevated risk and associated negative health and mental health outcomes. Recognizing these serious health risks, CDC works with national, state, and local partners to address the health, education, and safety needs of LGBTQ youth.”

According to one Gallup poll, Boston rates among the top 10 cities with the highest percentage of people identifying as either lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.

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