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Abbas Rails Against Trump with the Most Vitriolic Curse Possible in Arab Culture

Mahmoud Abbas, Photo, AP

JERUSALEM, Israel – Palestinian leaders are calling on Mahmoud Abbas to cease recognizing Israel as a state and cut off security cooperation as they continue fuming over US recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

In a two-and-a-half hour speech, Abbas lashed out at the US, Israel, Britain and some Arab leaders whom he told to "go to hell."

To President Trump, Abbas said, "May your house be demolished," the most vitriolic curse in Arab culture.

In an editorial piece posted by Arutz7 on Tuesday, Israeli Middle East expert Dr. Mordechai Kedar, a 25-year veteran of IDF military intelligence who is fluent in Arabic, explained the curse "does not merely relate to someone's present home, but to all the members of his family being thrown into the street to lead lives of destitution, humiliation, and shame."

Abbas also declared the peace process dead.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, on a state visit to India, said Abbas has "torn off his mask."

"I heard what Abu Mazen [Mahmoud Abbas] said," Netanyahu explained in a Facebook post in Hebrew. "He has revealed the truth. He has torn off the mask and shown to the public the simple truth that I have been working to instill for many long years: The root of the conflict between us and the Palestinians is their steadfast refusal to recognize the Jewish state in any borders whatsoever."

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