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Israel Says Targeted UNRWA School a Hamas Hideout, Netanyahu to Address Congress in July

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, meeting with troops in northern Israel, is scheduled to address a joint session of Congress in Washington on July 24th, 2024.
Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, meeting with troops in northern Israel, is scheduled to address a joint session of Congress in Washington on July 24th, 2024.

JERUSALEM, Israel – Israel is presenting its case after an attack on an UNRWA (United Nations Relief & Works Agency) school that served as a base for Hamas terrorists.

Palestinians say many women and children died in the strike, but the Israeli government claims some of the worst and most dangerous Hamas terrorists were hiding inside.

They released the names of nine Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists killed in the operation.

Israeli government spokesman David Mencer stated, "The school had terrorists who actually took part in the murderous attack of October the 7th."

IDF Chief Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari noted that many international media reports relied on a Hamas claim that 33 Palestinians or more were killed, but didn't acknowledge the Hamas terror activity at the school.

"The terrorists inside this school were planning more attacks against Israelis, some of them imminent. We stopped a ticking time bomb," Hagari said.

One Palestinian girl said five missiles hit the school, one of them striking her close relatives.

The Israelis contend they were doing all they could to avoid hitting civilians. Mencer noted, "You know, we actually called it off twice, just to be sure that we were precise and to limit any unwanted civilian casualties."

"Our air force used precise munitions to target the three specific classrooms that the terrorists were hiding inside," Hagari announced.

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In Rafah, the IDF indicated it is conducting "precise" operations. It has destroyed a massive tunnel along with rocket launchers hidden near a U.N. post. They also uncovered a Hamas tunnel entrance inside a child's room in Rafah and identified a house rigged with explosives.

The military discovered a weapons workshop and weapons throughout the area.

A new study by two Israeli universities found that Israel has met or exceeded international standards for humanitarian aid deliveries to Gaza.

The study debunks claims by the U.N. and some NGOs of famine in Gaza and found a more than 50 percent increase in food deliveries into Gaza from January to April of this year.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the IDF Central Command Israel is fighting on many fronts.

“We are fighting in the south, we are fighting in the north, we are also fighting here in Judea and Samaria," Netanyahu declared. "This effort is being carried out in the midst of difficult international pressures that are exerted on us. But I can guarantee one thing: whatever happened will not happen – we will change this reality. I trust our soldiers, our commanders and our security forces to ensure the security of Israel."

Netanyahu and U.S. congressional leaders have agreed on a date for the prime minister to address a joint session of Congress on July 24th.

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