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Robert Stearns: Building Bridges With Israel, Overcoming Broken Places

Bishop Robert Stearns
Bishop Robert Stearns

With so much increasing opposition to Israel worldwide, it's more important now than ever for Christians to show their support for the Jewish nation. As we are called to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, there is also a growing need for Christians worldwide to know more about what it means to stand with Israel. 

Bishop Robert Stearns has been advocating for strong relations between Christians and Jews for more than thirty years, traveling the world to do so. He finds inspiration in the biblical book of Nehemiah, which teaches people of all faiths how to overcome adversity.

Stearns founded Eagles' Wings, a ministry that builds bridges between Christians and Jews. His organization organizes pilgrimages to Israel for pastors and other Christians, helping them to reconnect with the Jewish roots of their faith.

He emphasizes the importance of standing united with the modern state of Israel, particularly during this crucial time as the country faces daily threats from Hamas and  Hezbollah terrorists. Recently, he led a group of 32 pastors to Israel, where they visited biblical sites and the location of the October 7th Nova festival massacre, honoring the victims and praying for the American and Israeli hostages.

Stearns also leads the Annual Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem, which he believes helps Christians worldwide to rekindle their connection to Zion.

In his latest book, Rise and Rebuild: a Guide to Overcoming Adversity, Stearns explains that, like Nehemiah who rebuilt the temple in Jerusalem, God helps each of us to rebuild our lives by overcoming our broken places.

VIDEO  Leader of Pastors' Group Visiting Israel: 'An Absolute Need' for Pastors, Congregations to Raise Voices

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