
As our military continues to improve its tactics in the Global War on Terror, the cowardly "terrorists" must resort to attacking civilians instead of our troops. What these chicken-livered losers fail to realize is that with every mortar, IED or suicide bomb, they make the contrast between them and us that much stronger.


On January 30, 1939, Hitler addressed Germany's parliament, the Reichstag.


Did you see the video of Bill Clinton going off on pro-lifers at a rally the other day in Ohio? Click here if you missed it.


From Sharon: I am an evangelical Christian and I will vote for McCain.    I have lived long enough to realize that not everyone will agree with me on all things (nor should they) and also know that it is foolish to cut off one's nose to spite his face.  Voting for a democrat is doing just that.  Not voting


I recently had the unique opportunity to interview CNN political commentator Roland Martin.  You may have seen a portion of the interview on CBN's NewsWatch.


Hillary Clinton's campaign needs something. They need some turning point here before the March 4th primaries in Texas and Ohio to stop Obama's momentum. Maybe the "plagiarism" issue will work? You've probably heard about it but just in case read below from The Guardian and then we'll discuss:


Don't worry. I'm not actually relocating to Texas. I'm still based out of DC but this week I'll be in Texas for the big Obama/Clinton debate in Austin this Thursday. I will also be putting together a story on the Latino vote down in Texas and how much of a difference that will make.


I don't need a talking point memo from Obama's strategist David Axelrod or a "fact sheet' from Obama researchers. I know what is going on here. If Obama faces off against John McCain in the General Election, get ready to hear this line in every speech: "Bush/McCain". As in the "Bush/McCain tax cuts", the "Bush/McCain war", the "Bush/McCain saber rattling against Iran". You name it. It's coming.


What do you think? The Washington crowd wants Mike Huckabee gone but he's not going anywhere. Do you think he's hurting himself or helping himself down the road? Register your view here.


The Brody File readers are e-mailing me about whether or not they would support John McCain and why or why not. Two days ago, I asked only Evangelicals to respond.
