Christian Living

bootsontheground 02/19/08

Tiny Tim Comes Home

As our military continues to improve its tactics in the Global War on Terror, the cowardly "terrorists" must resort to attacking civilians instead of our troops. What these chicken-livered losers fail to realize is that with every mortar, IED or suicide bomb, they make the contrast between them and us that much stronger.

Case in point: A little Iraqi boy called "Timmy." A Military Transition team found the little guy during a patrol last year - he'd been severely wounded by an IED.

No Soldier worth his boots can bypass a wounded child - it violates everything Soldiers fight and stand for. Just ask 'em. So, the team made a commitment that day to doing everything they could to make a difference for the young boy. They evacuated him to the green-zone hospital where he underwent numerous surgeries to repair his mangled leg and patch up the wounds to the rest of his body. After he returned home, the soldiers went out of their way to check on Timmy whenever possible. Later, he went in for even more surgery. And on February 14, Timmy hobbled through the door of his home. Though he's still on crutches, he's got a great chance of walking normally again before long.

Jobs like this are what separate the heroes from the zeroes. Chalk another one up for the good guys.

RELATED LINK: Live Fire with Chuck Holton

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