
And that' s not his only demand (see here). Here's more, from CBN News.


I guess comparing climate change skeptics to holocaust deniers wasn't enough. Now they've been compared to sexual predators.


It’s a brilliant move by the McCain campaign. Challenge Obama to new style debates across the country and in the process look like the bi-partisan guy and box Obama into a corner. I’ll explain below but first read from The Los Angeles Times below:


Pandas have always been a favorite Chinese animal, and for years they were used as a special gift of friendship from China to other countries.  Now they're serving a new diplomatic role as an earthquake ambassador.


Even though I am currently on vacation, I couldn't help but check my Africa Matters e-mail. I got an amazing e-mail from Addis and had to share it with you all as soon as possible. It seems your prayers are working...


The revival fires that were ignited in Lakeland, Florida, are beginning to spread across America. Reports are coming in from various locations of miracles happening in churches where the pastors have attended the "Florida Outpouring" and brought back an impartation to give to their people. Here is the miracle story of Chuck Brady -- someone who experienced the power of God, not in Lakeland, Florida, but as a result of a local pastor who attended the revival and brought the blessing home.


I went on The 700 Club and talked to Pat Robertson about the state of the Democratic race and a look ahead to the general election. Watch it above.


Shortly after Sen. Barack Obama clinched enough delegates to win the Democratic nomination, I gave my analysis of the historic event on The 700 Club.


Barack Obama vs. John McCain.


Today the question of whether or not China should have received the Olympic bid seems somewhat irrelevant.  It won the bid seven years ago in 2001, so the decision has clearly been made.  On the other hand, anyone who has caught a glimpse of the coverage of this year's international Olympic torch relay is well-aware that China's Olympic hosting duties are hardly a non-controversial event.   
