
Being attracted to the same sex was just as normal and natural to me as it was for a man and woman to be attracted to each other.  I did not want to be drawn to the same sex, in fact, I do not think anybody feels elated with the discovery of their homosexual feelings, but for me it was all I had ever known.

I tried really hard to be a heterosexual.  I dated and thought if only I would get married, have 2.5 children and live in a house with a white picket fence, then that would “cure” my homosexual desires. 


Hello folks,

1600 driving miles later Nedra and I are just off the road after visiting our old environs of upstate New York. There is a New York outside Manhattan, you know.

Old friends, good gatherings of many friends from our past, Nedra singing, me speaking, lots of catching up, lots of food, beautiful scenery, and a TV shoot with psychologist Dr.Kevin Leman (Sex Begins in the Kitchen – one of his books) and his wife Sandy to be aired in the near future.


While many fans from across the globe look forward to seeing athletes compete, they're probably not anticipating the elite group of China's official cheerleading squad.


James Dobson, President and Founder of Focus on the Family says the radio ad running on Christian radio about Barack Obama is highly seductive and misleading. He made the comments in a radio broadcast this week. Listen to it here.


A new effort to attract Catholic voters to Barack Obama’s campaign is starting today. It’s called, “10,000 Catholics for Obama”. You can see their logo on the left and their site is here. They have a video up explaining why some Catholics are supporting Obama. This site is independent of the Obama campaign but they were consulted about it.


Operation Blessing & The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) Rapid Response Team are partnering to host a special training titled, “His Presence in Crisis.” This training is life changing and will empower you to help those you love in times of crisis and tragedy.


News stories like the one today involving Iran’s missile test give Barack Obama and John McCain an important opportunity to show their presidential chops.


The Brody File has learned that the Obama campaign held a conference call this morning with about 30 Hispanic Evangelical pastors. Immigration, faith and abortion were all part of the discussion. The call lasted about 30 minutes starting with an opening prayer and then closing in prayer as well. These calls will now start taking place every other week.


Last week, the day before the long July 4th weekend, President George W. Bush finally announced that he would attend the opening ceremonies of the Olympic Games in Beijing. 


L-theanine is a really interesting substance that seems to defy logic. How can a substance both increase focus and calmness at the same time? Well, the simple answer is that it was designed to provide those twin actions. God knew what He was doing.
