
Yes, Mike Huckabee is going to do very well among Evangelicals but don't think he's going to run away with that vote. The latest poll shows Huckabee leading McCain 33% to 20% among the Evangelical vote. That's a sizeable margin but not as big as it could be. Why?


A Senior Campaign Advisor to John McCain tells The Brody File that the Giuliani campaign will be in big trouble if their candidate John McCain wins South Carolina. The thinking by the campaign is McCain's momentum will be too hard to stop as he rolls into Florida. Of course, Giuliani is banking on the Sunshine State to be his comeback into the race. Read below as this advisor talks about Giuliani's Florida problem:


I presume that these officials are well-versed in the Koran, the Hadith, the life of Mohammed and the history of Islam. If--as I suspect--they know little about Islam other than their own politically correct platitudes, they have no right to make such comments. In fact, they're wildly irresponsible.  Because in doing so, they mislead non-Muslims about the true nature and origins of the jihadist threat. From The Daily Mail:


With the total number of Internet users in China up a whopping 53% from last year, it's only months away from dismantling the U.S. as the country with the greatest number of users worldwide.


How would you have liked to travel with President Bush on his recent trip throughout the Middle East? On Thursday afternoon, we interviewed Bill Koenig just after the President completed his last stop in Sharm el-Sheik and his meeting with Egypt's President Hosni Mubarek.


I have no life. So here's the story. I'm sitting here in Columbia South Carolina and I find out an important new South Carolina poll is going to be released at 4pm eastern on MSNBC. I run to a television to watch. Goodness gracious. Anyhow, click here to read the latest poll which shows McCain and Huckabee in a virtual tie. The undecided Evangelical vote will be key. See part of the Slate Article below:


I had a chance to talk to political strategist Ralph Reed today. His analysis of this crazy presidential race is below. Bottom line: he thinks Romney and Huckabee have been treated poorly by the media because of their faith.


I've made my way over to a John McCain pep rally and speech here in cold, rainy Columbia, S.C. I was at a Fred Thompson event a few hours ago at a local diner but this event has a different feel.


From social security to push polling to his love of soggy southern green beans, Fred Thompson held court at a local diner here in Columbia this morning in front of a standing room only crowd of about 100 people or so.


I wanted to share some emails coming in to The Brody File on the volatile race down here in South Carolina.
