
Boy, if it weren’t for global warming, it’s just frightening to think how cold this winter might be.


I love L.A. and I love a good spin room. So guess what? I'm loving life because I filed this analysis after the L.A. debate in the spin room. Watch above.


While Guangzhou travelers experienced a sliver of hope as trains are up and running after China's worst snowstorm in 50 years, the costs of the devastation are piling up. 


Soeren Kern at Brussels Journal has a great piece on European news coverage of the U.S election.


Stranded travelers, power shortages, rising food prices, weather, and a sense of general discouragement.  Not only has China experienced its worst snowstorm since the 1950s, the storm has happened just weeks before the spring festival.


Today, the top American envoy for Africa, Jendayi Frazer, said there's "clear ethnic cleansing" currently going on in Kenya. But she didn't go so far as to call it "genocide." (Click here to read the full story.)


Maybe we were asking the wrong question all the time. Remember when Rudy Giuliani got into the race and Evangelicals were asked whether they could support him? Of course some said yes because of his tough on terrorism talk. But with Rudy gone, the question now is will Evangelicals support John McCain? Maybe more to the point is just how many in this crucial voting block will come out for him in a General Election if he's the nominee?


First of all, let me make this very clear. I have no desire to see Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama in boxing shorts. I think they should both keep to long pants. Yet as I get ready to cover tonight's debate here at the Kodak Theatre, you can't help but wonder what sort of verbal fisticuffs we are in store for.


Mitt Romney might sleep well at night but if he has nightmares, my guess is Mike Huckabee is somewhere in there. Let's be truthful here. If Mike Huckabee wasn't in the race, Mitt Romney may very well have been the frontrunner by now. It's almost a given.


Have a look at my summary of last night's Florida Republican primary. I did a live shot with Pat Robertson this morning from Orlando.
