
Here's a brief note to make a point to support the recent interview CBN aired with Pete Hegseth, the founder of VetsForFreedom.org, a national organization out to educate the American public about the need to win the war on terror.


Ninety days ago, the village of Khidr was nearly a ghost town. It's only inhabitants were monsters.


Not surprisingly, the six Pakistanis arrested by British authorities were connected to the Barcelona terrorist cell broken up last week. Here's the money quote, from Tory MP Patrick Mercer: "This intelligence shows the breadth and span of international terrorism and anybody who thinks that the threat has either gone or is in abeyance is in cloud-cuckoo-land." More:


The Associated Press is now reporting that the two female suicide bombers who killed almost 100 people in Baghdad on Friday had downs' syndrome. Their suicide bomb vests were detonated remotely, and the hapless handicapped women likely had no idea what was about to happen.


...is silence.


I woke up on this lazy Saturday morning listening to the news...rebels have taken the capital of Chad and are trying to oust President Deby.  I thought I was dreaming!  Sure there have been coup attempts before, but I don't remember them being this fast and furious.   I hear it only took hours for the rebels to ride across Chad and drive into N'Djamena!  (Read the whole story here.)


John McCain says he's a true conservative. As a matter fact, he even has a TV ad up about it. Watch it here and read below:


Am I not supposed to mention that Mike Huckabee is still in this race? This is a John McCain coronation right? Well, Huckabee is still around. He could do very well in some of these southern states on February 5th. You know how we are here at The Brody File right? We give it to you straight. Well, here's a little straight talk: (I had to borrow that line). If you took all the Evangelicals in this country who care mostly about the abortion and marriage issue, I would dare say that Mike Huckabee c


Howard Dean and the Democratic National Committee are not happy with the exit polling method conducted by The National Election Pool. Dean thinks there's a built in bias, if you will, when it comes to polling how Democrats of faith vote. He wants to know why is the faith questions always asked of Republicans, not Democrats? Here's part of his letter below:


If you haven't noticed it, it's presidential politics time -- of course, how couldn't you notice it. This has been the most unusual presidential election season I can remember for evangelical Christians. So, what are you looking for in a president? The American Bible Society reports that it has discovered what America wants in a President, based upon research done through a Zogby Poll.
