
Almost everything in life is about looking at the “big picture” and considering all possibilities.

The majority of my professional life involves helping couples and families negotiate with one another. Locked in power struggles, they come into my office striving to get what they want. What they don’t see is that they are locked in a power struggle, each determined to get their way. I watch as their worlds get smaller and smaller, with possibilities lessening by the moment.

Think about it:


Have you ever heard the phrase "if you don't know where you are going, you will never know if you are there"? I think it should actually say you won't know how to GET there!   Recently I had my coaching clients write a mission statement to reflect their dreams, goals and where they want this journey to take them.  


"There's no blueprint for this," said Warren. "You know, we're just going to be honest, we're going to pray with one another, and cry with one another. These kids were like our kids, you know. It's just such a tragedy, but who knows what's going on in this young man's life."


My thanks to all of you for posting on the blog this week.  Together, I believe we can make great strides toward better health and fitness for each of you.  So if you have any other questions, just log in and ask -- even if it's on a different topic than we're discussing at the time, anything related to your weight loss effortsis fair game.  Remember, I'm here to help.


Senator Robert Casey (D-PA) has introduced the Pregnant Women Support Act into the United States Senate. S. 2407, similar to legislation (H.R. 3192) introduced by Lincoln Davis (D- TN) earlier this year in the U.S. House, is designed to reduce the number of abortions by aiding those women who feel they have no other option.

And the next installment in the Chronicles of Narnia series, "Prince Caspian" is set to be released in May of 2008 and now the trailer is available for viewing online.


You’re beginning to make plans for your family Christmas gathering. You are somewhat surprised as you notice mixed feelings of eager anticipation as well as concern. Your thoughts quickly turn to the Control Freak in the family. 

The Control Freak — and I mean no disrespect by the term — is the one or two people in the family that insist on things being a certain way. They tend to be CrazyMakers who turn your words around to suit their purposes. They push their agenda to the exclusion of yours. You know who I’m talking about. 


I have a confession to make. I watched 3 hours straight of TV last night. I NEVER do that, but I did. What I watched amazed me -- 2 episodes of TLC's "Half Ton Man". It was like seeing a wreck, I had to look and couldn't stop watching!   Two men who weighed over 1200 pounds were featured. OVER 1200 pounds!   One man, Manuel Uribe was trying the Zone diet to help him lose weight -- it worked well for him as he did lose 500 pounds, but what I noticed was that he washed his Zone egg white omlet down with a Sprite!  


As I enter the shopping mall, lights twinkle in the store windows and Christmas music announces the upcoming holidays. I’m receiving emails of from friends and family as plans for getting together are well underway.

Anticipation mounts as we prepare for the festivities--and many are getting anxious.

Much of the anxiety concerns the use of alcohol at family gatherings.


What would Hollywood look like if every actor, director, decision maker, and production assistant was being prayed for on a regular basis? That is the goal of the Hollywood Prayer Network (HPN).


This week puts us officially in the "holiday season". You may have already started seeing signs of it -- trays of cookies or candy brought into the office, holiday decorations everywhere you go...   The food of the season!   But you know what?  
