"Who-Prays" for Hollywood?; Internet Evangelism Video Online
The great film producer, Cecil B. DeMille, said, "I have found the greatest power in the world is the power of prayer."
What would Hollywood look like if every actor, director, decision maker, and production assistant was being prayed for on a regular basis? That is the goal of the Hollywood Prayer Network (HPN). Although many Christians believe that Hollywood is “Sodom and Gomorrah,” TV Producer Karen Covell sees it as a redeemable city, similar to Nineveh. In 2001 she birthed the Hollywood Prayer Network to make an impact for Christ on one of the world’s most influential mission fields -- the entertainment ndustry.
HPN is a grass roots prayer ministry led by professionals in Hollywood that seeks to make a difference in our culture through prayer. HPN's goal is to invite God to free the hearts and minds of media professionals by mobilizing global prayer for the movie, television, and music communities.
As a defined group of almost 5,000 strong, the Christians working in this mission field are growing as a community and experiencing God’s presence in Hollywood more than ever before. The HPN is committed to have every Christian professional in Hollywood prayed for as a “tent-maker” by an intercessor outside of the entertainment industry.
The HPN believes that if we are going to see change in people, one at a time, from the inside out, it must start with the love of Jesus and the prayers of His people. As a result of concerted prayer for Hollywood, the HPN believes we will see a cultural revival in America and around the world where Hollywood has an impact.
Hollywood Prayer Network’s commitment is to reach three specific groups of people:
1. Christians living outside of Hollywood who want to know how God is moving and working in Hollywood or who know He’s moving here and want to be a part of what He’s doing through prayer.
2. Christian media professionals living and working in the industry who need prayer support from the Christian community and the church.
3. Media professionals in Hollywood who don’t yet know the love and life-saving Gospel of Jesus Christ and may only find Him through prayer.
No matter where you live, you can join the Hollywood Prayer Network and become a part of what God is doing in and through Hollywood. Membership is free. Members receive the following exclusive benefits:
- An interactive Web site that includes Hollywood insights, articles, books, posted prayers, links to HPN local chapters all over the world -- along with links to other media-related ministries and Web sites.
- The ability to post and read personal industry-related prayer requests on the “Members Only” Prayer Request Page.
- A Monthly E-mail (or Snail Mail) with a list of ways to pray for people, projects, issues and events going on in the entertainment industry.
- The opportunity to join our “I to I” and Incognito Prayer Teams.
- Free "Hollywood Crisis" DVDs and Remote Prayer Stickers.
You can also check the HPN Web site for an up-to-date list of all local chapters across America. And if you don't find a local chapter, you can learn how to start one in your community.
Check out http://www.hollywoodprayernetwork.org
Regent University Cinema-Television Program Undergraduate -- Graduate -- Animation
Stop Boycotting, Start Praying for Hollywood
Internet Ministry Conference Videos Now Available
The Internet Evangelism Coalition (IEC) has posted video from the Internet Evangelism workshops at the 2007 Internet Ministry Conference. In 2007 the IEC merged their conference with the GospelCom conference and offered an Internet Evangelism track. Workshops from this conference are now a
Videos Available:
Karen Schenk (Campus Crusade for Christ, Canada -- Chat Ministry): Evangelism and Mentoring: Building Relationships That Change Lives
Robby Richardson (GospelCom.net): Rethinking Internet Evangelism And Online Ministry
Debra Brown (Pastor of Hope House Church on Second Life): Evangelism in SecondLife
John Sorensen (Evangelism Explosion): The Power of a Personal Testimony
Brent Purves and Cam Hall (SouthSideLife.com): Reaching Your Community Through A Church Website
David Bruce (HollywoodJesus.com): Stupid Mistakes I Have Made
John Edmiston (Cybermissions.org): The Edges Of Cyberspace
More from the Internet Evangelism Coalition
Internet Evangelism Day: April, 2008
Web Evangelism Guide by Tony Whitaker
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