
Today's shocking story about a U.S. soldier in Iraq killing five of his comrades is the kind of headline news the media will whip into a merengue.  But let me give you some context in which to understand what happened.


Miss California, Carrie Prejean appeared on Focus on the Family and the conversation between her and James Dobson airs today and tomorrow across the country on Christian radio. Listen here:  (you have to go in about 10 minutes)

James Dobson said: "Carrie is deeply committed to Jesus Christ"


Don't you get the sense that former VP Dick Cheney is turning into the official spokesman for the Republican Party? Any headlines seem to involve Cheney vs The White House. or Rush Limbaugh vs The White House. It happened again this weekend. Read more below and the link to the video is here.


Elections have consequences. President Obama wants to bag the abstinence-only programs and replace them with more comprehensive sex ed programs.

Read below from The Associated Press:

President Barack Obama's budget would eliminate spending on abstinence-only education and direct the money to other teen pregnancy-reduction programs.


Have you seen this from the Baptist Press? Read below:

President Obama has called for the repeal of a ban on government-funded abortions in the District of Columbia.

The recommendation in Obama's first proposed budget contradicts his stated desire to reduce abortions or the need for abortions, a leading pro-life organization said upon the May 7 release of details of the president's spending plan for 2009-10.


The White House has considerably scaled back their website language on gay and lesbian issues. There used to be hundreds of words devoted to GLBT issues. Now there are just a few sentences. Gone is the wording about how President Obama wants to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act. In addition, the wording on "Don't Ask Don't Tell" has been changed slightly too.

The changes were just done in the last week or so. Click here to see the side by side comparison:


A friend suggested I take a look at the We Get It! website -- a group trying to balance environmental stewardship and caring for the poor by applying Biblical standards.

A number of well-respected evangelicals have taken up this cause:


The Associated Press is reporting that reviewers at the Vatican's newspaper have passed judgment on the new Ron Howard movie "Angels & Demons," finding the religious thriller commercial and inaccurate, but concluding it is "harmless" entertainment and not a danger to the church.


Hello all,


If you missed Phil Keaggy and me on the 700 Club today, here’s the link to the interview with a  transcription:


The lone Somali "pirate" who was captured by American forces last week is on U.S. soil.  He sees a New York judge today.  The teenager is expected to be charged with piracy and hostage taking.

(Editor's Note from Sarah:  Today's blog (below) is written by Tony Das.  He will be contributing to Africa Matters from time to time.  Das has decades of reporting experience from Africa.  Enjoy reading his article...)
