
Greetings folks,


A number of people have been asking recently where I have been. Thanks for asking, and the following hopefully will help answer that question.


Former President Jimmy Carter was correct when he urged his fellow Baptists to look beyond a range of disputes that have split the denomination and focus on reconciling under a common cause, namely the Gospel.

Carter said disagreements over issues such as abortion and homosexuality have kept Baptists too narrowly focused. And he said those issues shouldn't divide Christians who agree on a higher matter--that people are saved by the grace of God through Jesus Christ.


On the National Day of Prayer, citizens will gather at national monuments, military bases, stadiums, nursing homes, schools, town squares, churches and other venues to pray.


Can moderate Evangelical groups come to the rescue on the issue of reducing abortions? Groups like Faith in Public Life, Third Way, Sojourners and Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good (and others too) are working overtime to try and make it happen. They have a friend in the White House. Watch my TV story that aired on the 700 Club this morning.


From Lee:

We’ve had a couple of questions from people who are concerned that their potential spouse is quite a bit older than they are and they are wondering if they should be concerned about the age difference and the issues and possible challenges that go with it.


As my colleague George Thomas would say, "Yikes." From the Wall Street Journal:


Hey “Religious Right”…guess what? The “Religious Left” is moving center stage.


The Brody File has found a few videos of today’s House hearing where Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was blasted over her support of abortion overseas. She was also criticized for her praise of Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger who is EXTREMELY controversial for her views of the unborn.
