
As I enter the shopping mall, lights twinkle in the store windows and Christmas music announces the upcoming holidays. I’m receiving emails of from friends and family as plans for getting together are well underway.

Anticipation mounts as we prepare for the festivities--and many are getting anxious.

Much of the anxiety concerns the use of alcohol at family gatherings.


What would Hollywood look like if every actor, director, decision maker, and production assistant was being prayed for on a regular basis? That is the goal of the Hollywood Prayer Network (HPN).


This week puts us officially in the "holiday season". You may have already started seeing signs of it -- trays of cookies or candy brought into the office, holiday decorations everywhere you go...   The food of the season!   But you know what?  


Christmas is on the way and there has been a flurry of excellent Bible and Christian living resource releases in recent weeks. Some that stand out include The Word of Promise New Testament Audio NKJV Bible; Amazing Grace on DVD; and The Nativity Story DVD and Leader's Discussion Guide DVD.


You may be thinking that I am nuts to say that, but it is true! Right NOW, today…this very second, is the best time of the entire year to get started on your healthy lifestyle journey…on your “diet”!


Leaves of crimson and gold fill the trees and float softly to the ground where, (wasn’t it yesterday?) the forests were the bold green colors of summer. Even as I take in the wonders of the changing seasons, I sigh and breathe in the cool, crisp fall scents feeling suddenly unsettled. Why am I anxious, I wonder? Then it hits me. Fall leads to Winter, bringing with it not only a shift in the weather, but the “holidays,” and the impending change in family patterns. 


Sometimes in my daily life -- telling others how to live more healthfully and to "be like me" sounds a bit self-centered to me.  Then I have to then sit back and remember why it is that I was put in this role and what it is that I am supposed to do to help you.


Let me know if you’ve experienced reconciliation in a broken marriage. What helped? What hurt? We want to know.


You may have seen the e-mail circulating warning Christians about the upcoming children's fantasy movie, "The Golden Compass," which is based on a series of books written by ardent Atheist, Phillip Pullman. Along with the other so-called "New Atheists," Pullman is harnessing the power of story to promote his anti-God agenda.

I also want to pass along links to the Blogs of some writer friends of mine that I think you will enjoy.


Franklin Springs Family Media, with producer/director Ken Carpenter, have released Still Standing: The Stonewall Jackson Story, a 48-minute documentary that examines this complicated, but devoted Christian man. The video recounts the life and faith of Jackson, beginning with his orphaned childhood in what is now West Virginia.
