
Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell on Wednesday underscored the Fed's commitment to reducing unemployment to multi-decade lows, where it stood before the pandemic while signaling little concern about the risk of potentially high inflation or financial market instability. 


Electric automaker Tesla surprised the financial markets on Monday with the announcement that it has invested around one and a half-billion dollars in the digital currency known as Bitcoin. But other experts are warning there are other reasons not to use digital currency – surveillance. Thought you could be spied on using your credit card? With certain types of digital money – the bank, even the government – would know every purchase you make. 


Jeff Bezos, who founded Amazon and turned it into an online shopping behemoth, is stepping down as the company's CEO, a role he's had for nearly 30 years.

Electric Car Market, Plans by GM

General Motors has set an ambitious goal. It plans to make the vast majority of its fleet electric by 2035 – just 14 years from now.

Image Source: (AP Photo/Paul Sancya, File)

General Motors has set a goal of making the vast majority of the vehicles it produces electric by 2035, and the entire company carbon neutral, including operations, five years after that. 


President Joe Biden’s 60-day moratorium on new oil and natural gas leases and drilling permits is prompting widespread concerns in New Mexico, where spending on education and other public programs hinges on the industry’s success. 


Technology companies led a broad sell-off in stocks Wednesday, knocking more than 600 points off the Dow Jones Industrial Average and handing the market its worst day in nearly three months.


Chair Jerome Powell said Wednesday that the Federal Reserve will keep pursuing its low-interest-rate policies until an economic recovery is well underway, acknowledging that the economy has faltered in recent months. 


In his inaugural address Wednesday, President Joe Biden called for unity, saying "we must end this uncivil war", but it doesn't look like his leftist supporters are heeding that call. Their war is being unleashed at the business level now.


For many people, the end of the year represents a hectic time, and the last thing anyone wants to do is add to an already full plate. However, building the following financial moves into your fourth-quarter routine can really pay off over the long run and give you greater peace of mind for the coming year.
