
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel will strike back at anyone who tries to harm the Jewish state.

Day of the Dead

Hamas tunnels dug under the Israel's border evokes frightening images straight out of a grade-B zombie movie. But one IDF veteran warns that ISIS could use those same tactics to strike America.


Cultural differences and leaving family behind can make immigrating to Israel difficult. But more and more Jewish Americans are making Israel their permanent home.


Israeli U.N. Ambassador Ron Proser urged Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to speak out against a recent spate of stabbing attacks of Israelis.


Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee will begin a two-day visit to Israel Tuesday to discuss the Iranian nuclear deal with Israeli leaders.


An American Jewish rapper was dropped from a Spanish music festival because he refused to endorse the sponsor's position on a Palestinian state.


Israeli security forces in Jerusalem are on high alert Friday, as a Palestinian Arab prisoner on a hunger strike for nearly two months lost consciousness in the hospital.


Israeli security has been stepped up following two recent arson attacks allegedly carried out by Jewish extremists. 


Biblical historians say Luke is one of the few non-Jewish authors of the Bible, with both the Old and New Testaments almost exclusively written by Jews.


While most world leaders fret over bombs and stockpiles in the Iranian nuclear deal, some Europeans are focused on lining their pockets, which could mean millions with the lifting of sanctions against Iran.
