
For more than two decades, the United States has pushed for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Author Caroline Glick explains why that will never work.


Terrorists in Gaza fired more than 60 rockets into southern parts of Israel, officials said Tuesday.


A weapons cache seized last week from Iran is serving as another warning to the West of the Islamic country's dangerous intentions.


Some 350,000 Jewish people live in the Ukraine.


The Israel Defense Forces is standing by its version of events in the shooting death of a Palestinian at a border crossing with Jordan on Monday.


Despite political tensions between Israel and the U.S., military cooperation seems to be unaffected.


The Arab League said no to a Jewish state and agreed that Lebanon has a right to use any means at its disposal to defend itself against "Israeli aggression."


Israeli soldiers shot and killed a suspected terrorist in the Jordan Valley, which Palestinians are claiming as part of their future state.


Earthquakes can devastate an entire city or region in many ways. Depending on strength and location, it can kill hundreds and destroy natural and cultural landmarks.


The government reportedly intends to revoke citizenship of nearly 14,000 Hamas-affiliated Palestinian Arabs, with Egyptian security forces saying many have taken part in terror attacks.
