
Despite an attack yesterday that killed 16 policemen in Xianjing--a Muslim region in China's far West--jihadist message boards close to Al-Qaeda are urging that the group leave well enough alone in regards to the Chinese. And with good reason: Al Qaeda is already being pursued at every turn by the U.S. and other powerful Western nations. Why make an additional enemy of the world's most populous country, China (which is, not to mention, an emerging military and economic superpower)? And


Ninety-seven days and counting. The Marines of the 24th MEU came here in April on a seven-to-ten day mission to push out the Taliban in this area. They enjoyed initial success, meeting heavy resistance and wiping out large numbers of enemy fighters until violence dropped to almost nothing and the residents of the area, who had fled into the desert to avoid the Taliban, began returning to their homes.


In his final speech at the Lambeth Conference, Archbishop Williams said the Anglican Communion needs "space for study and free discussion without pressure" about whether to accept changes in the traditional biblical understanding of same-sex relationships.


Pakistan's government can't seem to make up it's mind whether its intelligence service--the ISI--support jihad or is a staunch enemy of it. In this article alone we get two conflicting accounts from the same Pakistani government official. It's a microcosm of Pakistan's schizophrenic approach to the War on Terror, which we've discussed at length on CBN News. From BBC:


Five years ago Paul Qin left his real estate investments and career as a Japanese tour guide in Hong Kong, and moved to a small village in China’s Henan Province.  Rather than working for a paycheck, he has spent his time on a project that’s far more valuable.  In just four years, Qin has given a priceless opportunity for many young people in a small village, many of whom were living on the streets.  He has volunteered the past years to teach them four languages, so


Beijing’s air pollution has been a huge concern during this pre-Olympic time, and considering the government’s $17.2 billion dollar investment, they’re not taking this lightly. But the question remains: will this hard work pay off?  The Asia Society has presented a comprehensive and easy-to-understand website with information pertaining to the issue of Beijing’s air quality.  It’s very user-friendly and worth looking into if you’re interested in t


John McCain’s new television ad is out. He rips into the celebrity of Barack Obama. Watch it here. 


Would you want your pastor to endorse a political candidate? Endorsing from the pulpit is one thing, but what about as an individual? Would it make you feel uncomfortable? Megachurch pastor Rick Warren is against it. Read below from The Christian Post:


Have you heard the latest song by the rapper Ludacris? The song IS Ludicrous. Listen to it here.  The song attacks Hillary Clinton, George Bush and John McCain.


Many seem to feel the freedom to tell us what we ought to think, how we ought to behave and even what we ought to feel. They know what’s best for us and exactly how we should live our lives. 

These people are not evil, and I doubt that they have bad intentions. They are our sisters, brothers, mothers and fathers, neighbors and sit next to us in church. Having questionable boundaries, and believing they have special insight into our lives, they share freely with us.
