
My oldest daughter Bayley, appears to be following in my high-heeled footsteps. She is a true shoe fanatic! I could not be more proud. She has been trying every pair of shoes in my closet; some of them are absolute break-neck height. She prances around my room with great pride, if little grace...


Hi there,


After the IED strike of August 3 in which two Marines were wounded and their Humvee destroyed, the 1/6 commanders are on the hunt for those responsible. Yesterday, I accompanied a foot patrol of more than 100 Marines from our base at Strong Point Bravo to the village closest to the site of the attack. Despite the 120-degree heat, and the fact that each Marine is loaded down with body armor, helmet, weapon and gear, we covered the two miles from the base to the village in just under 40 minutes, w


To assimilate or not to assimilate? It isn't exactly Shakespeare, but it is a question that a new generation of Muslim immigrants to the United States is asking itself. I've covered this issue extensively for CBN News, including this story in Minneapolis--a city with a large Somali Muslim population--last year. At the heart of the matter is this question: should America's non-Muslim majority bow to the demands of a small but vocal Muslim minority? Or should that sma


It's nearly impossible to underestimate the depth of patriotic pride that many Chinese are feeling right now.  Many have traveled from across China and even across the world to be part of history during these Beijing Games, whether or not they have tickets. I spoke with one man from Jiangsu Province who spent seven years traveling to all of China's provinces and 233 cities around the country picking up garbage.  He believes that beautifying the streets and demonstrating civic respons


New reports of 16 police who were killed in China’s Xinjiang Province have flooded international headlines.  According to Xinhua News, two men threw grenades at police officers during exercises, killing16 officers died and injuring an additional 16. Since this is such a sensitive time for China, with the Olympics less than a week away, this bombing and other similar situations aren’t taken lightly.  But is this security incident in Western China a legitimate threat to Olym


Despite an attack yesterday that killed 16 policemen in Xianjing--a Muslim region in China's far West--jihadist message boards close to Al-Qaeda are urging that the group leave well enough alone in regards to the Chinese. And with good reason: Al Qaeda is already being pursued at every turn by the U.S. and other powerful Western nations. Why make an additional enemy of the world's most populous country, China (which is, not to mention, an emerging military and economic superpower)? And


Ninety-seven days and counting. The Marines of the 24th MEU came here in April on a seven-to-ten day mission to push out the Taliban in this area. They enjoyed initial success, meeting heavy resistance and wiping out large numbers of enemy fighters until violence dropped to almost nothing and the residents of the area, who had fled into the desert to avoid the Taliban, began returning to their homes.


In his final speech at the Lambeth Conference, Archbishop Williams said the Anglican Communion needs "space for study and free discussion without pressure" about whether to accept changes in the traditional biblical understanding of same-sex relationships.


Pakistan's government can't seem to make up it's mind whether its intelligence service--the ISI--support jihad or is a staunch enemy of it. In this article alone we get two conflicting accounts from the same Pakistani government official. It's a microcosm of Pakistan's schizophrenic approach to the War on Terror, which we've discussed at length on CBN News. From BBC:
