
Did your last school year end on a good note? Hopefully so! But just in case it was a downer, here’s some encouragement.


This just came in from The White House.  It is President Obama's National Days of Prayer and Remembrance Proclamation. Read it below and then at the bottom read President Bush's Days of Prayer and Remembrance Proclamation from 2008 so you can get a  comparison. You defintely get the sense that President Obama is putting more emphasis on service where as President Bush seemed to focus more on God's intervention and using the "language of Evangelicals". It's interesting to see the different style and mindset of these two very different Presidents.


President Obama's speech to school children across the country next Tuesday is coming under some controversy. Watch my TV report below for more on the story.


I had the privilege of attending a dinner for Israel's former Ambassador to the UN, Dore Gold, Monday night along with a small group of evangelical Christian and Catholic leaders and journalists.The dinner was held at the home of bestselling author and friend of CBN, Joel Rosenberg, to mark the release of Ambassador Gold's excellent new book, The Rise of Nuclear Iran. Joel has a great roundup of the evening at his blog, which you can


It goes something like this: “Nobody has to know. I can go on as if this didn’t happen and I will soon be able to put it behind me.”




What's God's Heart for Jerusalem? How does lasting fruitfulness in ministry happen? These are some of the questions Heidi Baker answers in our third and final part of our interview with the founder of Iris Ministries. 

Heidi's passion for Jesus rings out as she talks about the joy of spending time with Him.


With President Obama's approval numbers dropping month after month, maybe there should be a new dance move out there. You remember "The Electric Slide" right? (see picture below) Well how about "The Obama Slide"?

And now the feature presentation! Watch my TV report below on "The Obama Slide"


I appeared on Wednesday's edition of The 700 Club with host Gordon Robertson to discuss the Rifqa Barry case and the growing threat of  Islamic honor killings in the West. My liveshot with Gordon is preceded by an excellent story on the Barry case from my colleague, Wendy Griffith. Watch it all here, or watch it below.


Ladies and gentlemen..I present to you Levi Johnston in the role as Benedict Arnold.

 I mean have you seen what Bristol Palin's former boyfriend has told Vanity Fair magazine? You think Sarah Palin is a little ticked?  Read the Vanity Fair press release below but just asking: what is the saturation point on bad press? How much can Palin take before becoming irrelevant?
