
Are you realistic or unrealistic when setting your New Year's Resolutions or weight loss goals?

An example of a realistic goal is to say 'you are going to give up soft drinks and replace them with water in 2008', and an unrealistic goal is to say you are going to lose 100 lbs by doing so.  Realistically, if you drink one soda a day, that ONE CHANGE could lead to 15 pounds of weight loss! Imagine if you drink 6 or more how much weight you can lose?


Preparing for out of town family and friends, my wife, Christie and I are cleaning house. We’re not only cleaning house, we’re dunging the place out. 

You know the routine. With the diligence and determination of a heart surgeon, we looked at the house and in unison said, “We’re going in.” What that meant was we were going to clean the cobwebs out of the corners, throw out magazines from 2005, open or discard old mail and vacuum. Really, really vacuum.


Did you know that your excess weight--whether is it as little as 10 pounds or as much as 100 or more is caused by a few unhealthy habits that you have?   That's right!   You weren't born with a stomach that is too large and needs reducing, you weren't born deficient of the Atkins Diet--YOU over the course of your life developed habits that created a lifestyle that allowed fat to thrive in your thighs, stomach, arms, etc.  


Hola and greetings again from the beach! I am having a relaxing time on vacation but I never take a vacation from YOU and we can never take a vacation away from our body, our health and our dreams!  


Tis’ the season for celebrations, and family gatherings. Tis’ the season for the idealized images of family found on Hallmark cards. If not careful, we compare ourselves to pictures of Mom, Dad, sister and brother-in-law, along with brother and sister-in-law, complete with dog Fido, standing next to the fire. However, families usually are, and always have been, messier than that. 


Asking the questions, "How do we reach an iPod, MTV, YouTube generation with God's message of hope?" and "How do we stay true to biblical wisdom and still relate to people wrapped up in an un-Godly world?" Need Him has launched a campaign to bring the Gospel to the youth of America.


Almost everything in life is about looking at the “big picture” and considering all possibilities.

The majority of my professional life involves helping couples and families negotiate with one another. Locked in power struggles, they come into my office striving to get what they want. What they don’t see is that they are locked in a power struggle, each determined to get their way. I watch as their worlds get smaller and smaller, with possibilities lessening by the moment.

Think about it:


Have you ever heard the phrase "if you don't know where you are going, you will never know if you are there"? I think it should actually say you won't know how to GET there!   Recently I had my coaching clients write a mission statement to reflect their dreams, goals and where they want this journey to take them.  


"There's no blueprint for this," said Warren. "You know, we're just going to be honest, we're going to pray with one another, and cry with one another. These kids were like our kids, you know. It's just such a tragedy, but who knows what's going on in this young man's life."


My thanks to all of you for posting on the blog this week.  Together, I believe we can make great strides toward better health and fitness for each of you.  So if you have any other questions, just log in and ask -- even if it's on a different topic than we're discussing at the time, anything related to your weight loss effortsis fair game.  Remember, I'm here to help.
