
Robin Mazyck here guest blogging for The Brody File.


No matter how much Barack Obama says it, there is still a campaign out there by some who are spreading e-mails saying he's a closet Muslim. In a one-on-one interview, he did with me a couple months ago, he denied it.


Hillary Clinton trails by about 8-10 points down here in South Carolina. If she's going to make a move, tonight's debate in Myrtle Beach is a great opportunity. There's some great analysis in The Greenville News this morning. Check it out below to see what each candidate must do to be effective and win votes:


Whether you are in Kenya or living abroad, I would like to know your take on the current crisis!


Few American icons are as universally loved as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  His struggle for civil rights remains fresh in the minds of many, and today of all days, we're reminded of his work to promote racial equality.


Doomed? Strong word. But I hear it a lot from a friend in Paris who is an economist. He's convinced the French state is headed toward bankruptcy. The French economy&nb


These might be considered major strides--if it were 1908. As it stands, the long-suffering women of Saudi Arabia are probably just happy to gain any small victories they can get. First, from The Telegraph:


The Brody File doesn't have to say it. I'll let Barack Obama explain the importance of this Saturday's South Carolina primary. See his comments below as reported by The Chicago Tribune:


News Flash:  Mormons went for Mitt Romney in Nevada. I know it's a shock but it's true.


Hillary's victory in Nevada says a lot about her exceptional organization and a campaign that is jazzed for a fight.
