
As the 2018 hurricane season approaches, a new study reveals that more may have died in the aftermath of 2017's Hurricane Maria than previously thought.  Ministries in hard-hit Puerto Rico say the study could generate more attention and help an island that still has not recovered.


A group of more than 100 Ohio pastors sent a letter to state lawmakers asking that judges be held accountable for prejudice against Christians. 


President Donald Trump signed the Right to Try Act, a law that gives terminally ill patients the right to use experimental medication that has not yet been approved by the Food and Drug Administration.


A Wisconsin woman's health journey is garnering national attention after she beat cancer by simply eating organic fruits and vegetables. 


Retired firefighter Mark Taylor will get to see the true story of his prophecy about Donald Trump unfold on the big screen later this year when "The Trump Prophecy" hits theatres.

KimJongUn MikePompeo

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met with North Korean officials in New York again Thursday in hopes of getting the June 12 Singapore summit back on track.


For years the courts and media have championed free speech, whether it was the right to burn the flag or to promote pornography. But today there's a belief those same elites have a different priority: silencing the "politically incorrect."


The arrest and imprisonment of Stephen Lennon, better known as Tommy Robinson, has set off protests around the world.


The FBI has issued a warning and is advising people to turn their routers off and back on again to help halt the spread of a dangerous piece of Russian malware.

Active shooter

A new video game that would let players recreate school shootings is being removed from the line-up after sparking widespread controversy.
