
Selena Gomez is not hiding her faith. She recently shared how important God is to her in a recent interview, and talked about her Christian song on her album. 


Far more important than the legaization of interracial marriage in one nation is the fact that God's revealed will for the world is not undermined but advanced when a man and woman from different ethnicities marry in Christ.


Doctors in the UK say it's time to take a 9-month-old, born with a rare genetic condition, off life support and allow him to "die with dignity." His parents are fighting to get him to the U.S. for a treatment they're hoping will save his life.


Five-time Olympic gold medalist Sanya Richards-Ross is getting honest about the invisible scars left behind after an abortion. 

Melissa Francis

Fox Business anchor Melissa Francis talks with Wendy Griffith about her life as a child actor, her faith, and her new book, Lessons I Learned on the Prairie.

Tiny Homes for the Homeless

Communities around the country are seizing on the tiny house trend to provide shelter for their homeless populations. But it's a controversial solution, with many banning the little houses, calling them unsafe shanty towns. That leaves homeless advocates searching for common ground and relief for the chronically homeless.


The investigation into whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to win the 2016 presidential election continues, at the peril of the GOP agenda.


Thousands packed a football stadium Sunday for what's come to be known as the Super Bowl Sunday of Christianity. Pastor Greg Laurie has offered some big surprises at previous Harvest America outreaches, and this year was no exception.


The story of Balaam and Balak in Numbers 23-25 is about much more than a talking donkey. It reveals God's eternal and unchangeable plan for Israel.


Melania Trump has joined her husband in the White House with their 11-year-old son Barron. He is the first son to be in the White House since JFK Jr in 1963. 
