
The Israeli Defense Force declared part of the country's northern border a closed military zone, following significant movement in Syria by ISIS and other Islamic extremists.


Israeli Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked is not one to sit idly back while anti-Israel activists press ahead with their boycott, divest and sanction (BDS) agenda.


A 49-second cartoon video entitled "Open your eyes about Gaza," produced by Israel's Foreign Ministry, brought some sour comments from the Foreign Press Association.


Gretchen Carlson is the host of "Real Story" on Fox News. She brings the top news headlines of the day to a national audience.


As Americans are increasingly fed up with the insurance-based medical system, many are turning to what's known as concierge medicine, a system that puts you and your doctor back in charge of your healthcare.


The Southern Baptist Convention is kicking off its annual meeting by inviting the nation to join in an evening of prayer.


The Food and Drug Administration is cracking down on trans fats, saying they must be removed from the food supply with three years. 


A majority of Palestinians in Gaza support firing rockets at Jewish civilians in Gaza, as long as Gaza residents don't have open borders, according to a new poll.


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu promised to "expose the truth" about last summer's military response to Hamas rocket fire.


Experts from the World Health Organization and South Korea on Saturday downplayed concerns about the MERS virus spreading further within the country.
