
Experts from the World Health Organization and South Korea on Saturday downplayed concerns about the MERS virus spreading further within the country.


Deeply personal information submitted by U.S. intelligence and military personnel for security clearances is in the hands of hackers linked to China, officials say.


The government is working on ways to identify people by their tattoos.


France is the least evangelized country in Europe, and some Christians believe the recent terror attacks there could lead to a change.


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with Orange Chairman and CEO Stéphane Richard Friday morning to discuss his remarks on cutting ties with Israel.


The Islamic State is converting one of the largest churches in Mosul into a mosque almost a year after the city fell to ISIS.


Israel's Deputy Foreign Minister denied a Wall Street Journal report saying it launched a computer spy virus to bug hotels where Iranian negotiations took place.


Just outside Jerusalem, a team of Israel Antiquities Authority archaeologists uncovered the remains of a 1,500-year-old Byzantine-era church.


Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon and President Reuven Rivlin presented the coveted Israel Security Prize to individuals who help make the IDF one of the most advanced military forces in the world.


A grassroots push by the BDS (Boycott, Sanction, Divest) movement is picking up steam as the E.U. moves ahead with guidelines for Israeli exports.
