
Vandals severely damaged a church in Melbourne, Florida, after setting fire to the building and spray painting "Allahu Akbar," a swastika, and the phrase "We See You" on a shed outside.


It might not be the fountain of youth, but one church denomination has zeroed in on a way to achieve life longevity, and it all goes back to the Scriptures.


Bitter cold and high winds plagued nearly all U.S. residents east of the Mississippi.  New England hardest hit, and forecasters say little relief is in sight.


Copenhagen's second shooting in 24 hours leaves a Jewish security guard dead at a synagogue.  Police kill suspected gunman.  Netanyahu to Jews:  immigrate to Israel.


Gunmen fired on a cafe in Copenhagen Saturday, the site of a free speech event organized by a Swedish artist, killing one man and wounding police.  Authorities suspect terrorism.


Iran's ruler, Ayatollah Khamenei, has sent a secret letter to the White House hinting at cooperation to fight Islamic State, The Wall Street Journal reports.


Graduate students at Regent University are taking a stand against America's growing debt.


A small church in a Phoenix, Ariz. suburb may win its case that's gone all the way to the United States Supreme Court.


Indonesian officials said Saturday that they were confident wreckage of AirAsia Flight 8501 had been located after sonar equipment detected four massive objects on the ocean floor.


Forecasters say the storm that brought snow to Southern California and the Southwest is now heading for the East Coast.
