
The Coast Guard says a U.S. cargo ship carrying 33 people that has been missing since it encountered high winds and heavy seas from Hurricane Joaquin sank and one body was found. The search for the missing crew continues.


Lake County, California, is known for its rolling hills and sprawling landscape, but most of it has been destroyed in the state's third worst fire in history.


Thousands of New Yorker's lined the street for Chick-fil-A's fried chicken sandwiches and waffles fries this weekend.


The grieving made their way to church in Roseburg, Oregon, looking for a focus to make sense of last week's mass shooting. Meanwhile, the gunman reportedly left a manifesto that revealed his intent.


Days of deadly torrential rains are still gripping South Carolina Monday. Thousands of homes are without power and at least seven people are dead.


In the aftermath of the shooting at Oregon's Umpqua Community College, pastors and other first responders rushed to a staging area where survivors and their families reunited.


The nation prays for the Oregon shooting survivors and the families of the victims. Meanwhile, survivors tell their families more about what happened.


Bermuda prepares for Joaquin as the Hurricane leaves its mark in the Bahamas and in parts of the U.S. East Coast.


Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards own testimony before Congress this week may be the very thing that clears up a few myths about the agency believed as fact.



The non-profit Ronald McDonald House relies on the community and workers who go the extra mile. One man sees his work there as a living sermon, one that affords the opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
