
This year's March for life focused on the group most aborted -- the pre-born diagnosed with some sort of disability. As the marchers gathered, they declared those babies are every bit as deserving of life as any other child.


Winter weather is marching across the country, dumping snow and ice along the way.


Gospel great Andraé Crouch was laid to rest Wednesday.


Shattering box office records, "American Sniper" has brought in more than $90 million with its nationwide opening this past weekend.


More than 30 governors are taking oaths of office this month, including newly elected Texas Gov. Greg Abbott.


While President Barack Obama and Congress are concentrating on the State of the Union, the Family Research Council says the state of the union's families are threatened.


At the annual S.T.A.N.D. prayer breakfast, the group thanked members of the local police department, using prayer instead of violence over racial tensions.


Pro-life leaders gathered at the National Press Club just a few days before the Jan. 22 March for Life to announce that a special emphasis this year will be on the many and usually unpublicized ways abortion hurts.


Thousands of people made their way to Selma, Alabama, and Atlanta this weekend to celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.


From Oregon to New York, winter weather led to icy road conditions Monday. At least five people have been killed.
