
Last week's earthquake devastated Nepal's tiny Christian community, many of whom were in church when it hit. Hundreds were killed, including Pastor Elija Gahle.


The numbers are hard to comprehend. One in six Indians live in a slum. That adds up to roughly 65 million people. Those numbers are rising everyday.


Almost a week after Nepal's devastating earthquake, thousands are injured and homeless and in desperate need of aid. That help is now coming from around the world, including teams from Israel and CBN Disaster Relief.


The U.S. Navy will now accompany all U.S. commercial ships traveling into and out of the Persian Gulf.


When ISIS beheaded two of Matthew VanDyke's friends, journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff, he began to wonder what he could do to stop what he calls "this scourge on humanity."


An ardent fighter against China's one-child policy says the Chinese no longer need the policy, suggesting the reason it still exists is for much more nefarious purposes.


A Nepal teenager is alive after being buried for five days under the rubble of last weekend's 7.8-magnitude earthquake.


A top Iranian opposition leader says Iran's hardline Islamic regime is behind the rise of Islamic State.


Nick Cienski is founder and CEO of Mission 14, a Christian organization that fights human trafficking. He and his wife, Sandi, were on Mount Everest when the avalanche hit.



Hundreds of Nepalese Christians died as their churches crashed down upon them when last week's devastating earthquake hit during their weekly worship services.
