Attacks against Christians in countries like Nigeria, Pakistan and Egypt are increasing, yet the worst place to be a Christian is in North Korea's Hermit Kingdom.
Leading Islamist Anjem Choudary has been called the face of Islam in the United Kingdom. Now he's warning Islam will soon dominate America and the world.
Tourists come to northeastern Brazil to take advantage of its beautiful beaches, colonial architecture, and history. Tragically, some come to take advantage of the children.
In India, marrying off a daughter means one less mouth to feed, which is why children are forced to illegally marry very young. CBN News was there for one ceremony.
Some North Koreans have escaped from the Communist country and its human rights violations. Kim Eun Jin is one of those survivors.
A group of South Korean Christians is using an unusual aerial offensive to encourage North Korea's secret believers.
In India, the Christian Broadcasting Network is spreading the Gospel through free movies.
The French people have become increasingly fed up with what they see as the growing Islamization of France.
In Cambodia, 90 percent of prostitutes are sold into the sex industry by their parents, but missionary Ruth Elliott is determined to provide a way out for the victims.
CBN Worldreach is launching a new season of its popular global program "Turning Point International" this week with a new host.