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'Physical Principles Never Used Before': Russia's Powerful New Generation of Weapons


Russia announces it has developed the next generation of weapons using plasma, lasers and electromagnetic forces and even 'physical principles never used before.'

It is the latest sign of President Vladimir Putin ramping up Russia's armed forces.

Russian leaders say their country is working on a new range of hypersonic missiles as well.

Defense experts say these missiles would be able to hit a US aircraft carrier before the Pentagon even realized it had been fired.

"Coming next are hypersonic weapons, which require the use of principally new materials and control systems that operate in a completely different medium, in plasma," the Kremlin's deputy defense minister, Yuri Borisov, said Monday.

A hypersonic weapon is a missile which travels at Mach 5 – five times the speed of sound – and it would enable the Russians to strike a target thousands of miles away within minutes.   

Russia is not the only country working on laser weapons.

China is also working on laser arms, which have the advantage of not running out of ammunition.

CBN News took a trip to Air Force Space Command in Colorado and met with top military leaders who said, "China wants to knock out our satellites and destroy our GPS system."

US military leaders told CBN News that both China and Russia have seen our advantages with GPS on the battlefield and want to destroy that advantage.

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