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Reasons Why President Trump Walked Away From Summit


The Trump administration held an off camera background briefing with a senior White House official advising reporters why President Donald Trump decided to walked away from the US/North Korea summit.

The senior White House official said on March 8, 2018, a delegation team from South Korea came to the White House and said North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un was committed to denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, will refrain from testing any nuclear missiles, and understood the military exercises between the US and South Korea must take place.

The senior White House official told CBN News since President Trump agreed to meet with Kim, all the United States has seen are continued broken promises.

Two weeks after Trump agreed to meet with Kim, North Korea contested the military exercises between South Korea and the United States.
The senior White House official also said, "Then North Korea stood up Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and South Korean officials in Singapore," to prepare for the upcoming summit.

"They waited and they waited," a senior White House official said. "The North Koreans never showed up. They simply stood us up."

The major snub was one part of a "trail of broken promises" by North Korea in recent weeks that led Mr. Trump to cancel the June 12 summit, the official said.

North Korea also had pledged to allow international officials to witness Thursday's supposed demolition of its nuclear test site, but backed out of that promise, as well. Pyongyang did allow a group of foreign journalists to witness the demolition.

"The final straw took place Wednesday night," the White House senior official said, "When North Korea sent a propaganda notice which said meet us in the meeting room or meet us nuclear to nuclear showdown."

In the past two weeks, the official said, North Korea displayed a "strange lack of judgment, combined with broken promises" that he said added up to "a profound lack of good faith."

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