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Some Conservatives, Liberals Concerned about Trump's Pick for Top Diplomat


Team Trump is working to soften pushback against the president- elect Donald Trump's pick for top diplomat.

He has chosen ExxonMobil Chief Executive Rex Tillerson to be his Secretary of State.

"Rex Tillerson's career is the embodiment of the American dream. Through hard work, dedication and smart deal making, Rex rose through the ranks to become CEO of Exxon Mobil, one of the world's largest and most respected companies," Trump said in a statement.

Some liberals are troubled by the pick because of Tillerson's close relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

However, Trump's transition team is pointing out the many leaders praising the pick such as former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Senator Bob Corker and Newt Gingrich.
At least one Evangelical leader doesn't agree with them though.

Family Research Council's Tony Perkins says Tillerson woud promote "the leftist social policy of the Obama years." 

He pointed out that Tillerson pushed the Boy Scouts of America to include gay troop leaders and his company gives directly to Planned Parenthood.

Meanwhile, speculation turned to reality as Trump named former Texas Governor Rick Perry as his choice for Secretary of Energy.

Today the president- elect met with his longtime friend, rapper Kanye West.

He's also meeting with Microsoft mogul Bill Gates and former Senator Rick Santorum - who is part of Trump's religious council.

This evening Trump's "Thank you America" tour continues, this time in Wisconsin.

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