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Trump Unveils More Cabinet Picks on 'Thank You' Tour


Donald Trump is rallying supporters in Louisiana ahead of the state's Senate runoff election. 

Voters will head to the polls Saturday to decide between Republican John Kennedy and Democrat Foster Campbell.

Republicans are hoping to win that race to increase their control in the Senate to 52 seats.

The news comes as the president-elect continues his "thank you" tour, with his latest stop being Des Moines, Iowa, where he expressed his appreciation to voters there who helped put him win The White House.

"We will cancel the job-killing restrictions on the production of American energy and that means lower energy prices for farmers, households, and small businesses in Iowa and frankly all over the United States," Trump told the Iowa crowd.

"We will also pursue an agenda of conservation, protecting our beautiful natural resources for future Americans, your family, your children, and lots of other people," he vowed.

Trump also thanked Christians for their part in his election victory.

"Evangelicals, I love you!" the president-elect exclaimed.

Earlier in the day, he stopped in Ohio, where he met with the victims of the Muslim Ohio State University student who carried out deadly knife attacks last month.

"We just saw the victims and the families, and we were really -- I mean, these were really brave people, amazing people," Trump said. 

"The police and first responders were incredible," he continued. "The job done in particular by one young gentleman was incredible. And I got to meet him, and he is very brave. The families have done so well to come through this so well."

Meanwhile, Trump continues to nominate people to his cabinet, picking fast food executive Andrew Puzder to be secretary of labor. 

In addition, Trump announced Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad as his ambassador to China and also took on the issues of energy and conservation.

"Governor Branstad obviously is Iowa's longest-serving governor, someone who has considerable public policy experience but also someone who has a lot of experience and great grasp of trade issues, agriculture issues, has a tremendous understanding of China and Chinese people and is someone who very much impressed the president-elect," Trump transition spokesman Jason Miller told reporters Wednesday.

"It's very clear that Governor Branstad is someone who will represent our country well on the world stage, and we couldn't be prouder of this selection," he said.
In the meantime, Democrats plan to give some of the president-elect's picks a tough nomination battle. That includes the nominee for head of the Environmental Protection Agency, Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, a climate change skeptic who has fought the agency in the courts.

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