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President Trump Calls Harvey a Storm of 'Epic Proportion'


President Donald Trump landed in the Lone Star State for a briefing about the damage and recovery efforts in the wake of Tropical Storm Harvey. Trump called Harvey a storm of "epic proportions."

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott praised the Trump administration for it's response, saying, "We can count on the president and his staff for helping Texas."

Gov. Abbott along with FEMA officials sat down with the president and first lady Melania Trump at a suburban fire station in Corpus Christi where Trump addressed his first major natural disaster by saying he will handle it "better than ever before."

"We've never seen anything like this," said President Trump.

FEMA Administrator Brock Long says it's been a slow process as more people are moved to shelters.

"It is not over as we are doing everything we can to unify our efforts," said Long.

Long added that once the water goes down, FEMA will help people register to receive further assistance. President Trump then visited the Texas Department of Public Safety in Austin before returning to the White House.

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