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Pence on Comey Firing: President 'Made the Right Decision'


WASHINGTON – Vice President Mike Pence is backing President Donald Trump's decision to fire the head of the FBI, saying he "made the right decision at the right time."

"Director (James) Comey had lost the confidence of the American people," Pence said.

The vice president canceled his earlier plans for the day so he could head up to Capitol Hill and speak with lawmakers Wednesday.

Pence made it clear that Comey's dismissal had nothing to do with the investigation into possible contacts between the Trump presidential campaign and Russia.

"The president's decision to accept the recommendation of the deputy attorney general and the attorney general to remove Director Comey as the head of the FBI was based solely and exclusively on his commitment to the best interest of the American people and to ensuring that the FBI has the trust and confidence of the people of this nation," Pence said.

The vice president says the administration will now turn its attention to finding a replacement.

"Now we go forward," Pence said. "We go forward with confidence."


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