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President Donald Trump Praises Justice Kennedy, Slams Maxine Waters at ND Rally


President Donald Trump thanked Justice Anthony Kennedy for his service to the Supreme Court during a rally in Fargo, North Dakota Wednesday night.

The president said he was "honored" that Kennedy chose to retire during his presidency.

"He felt confident in me to make the right choice and carry on his great legacy, that's why he did it," Trump told the crowd.

Kennedy announced his retirement Wednesday, sparking much speculation over who will take his place on the bench.

Trump, who was there to campaign for Republican Rep. Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.), said Kennedy's retirement underscores the need to elect Republican lawmakers.

"Democrats want judges who will rewrite the Constitution any way they can do it, and take away your Second Amendment, erase your borders, throw open your jailhouse doors, and destroy your freedoms," Trump said. "We must elect more Republicans – we have to do that."

While Trump did not drop any hints about who will fill Kennedy's vacancy, he said he's looking for a candidate who will serve on the Supreme Court for "40 or 45 years."

The president also attacked US Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), who encouraged people to harass Trump administration officials in public.

"Maxine. She is a beauty," Trump said. "I mean she practically was telling people the other day to assault – can you imagine if I said the things she said?"

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielson and White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders fell victim to such harassment this week. They faced outrage from protestors over the separation of families on the U.S. - Mexico border.

President Trump reinforced his support for immigration officials and said ICE is "being liberated" under his presidency.

He also touched on MS-13 and how the administration is working to crack down on the violent gang.

"The Democrats complain we're treating them too rough. We're getting them out, as I said, by the thousands," Trump shared.

Wednesday evening's rally is the latest stop in a series of rallies the president has hosted in recent weeks. With the midterm elections just months away, the administration is working hard to secure support among voters.

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