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The Art of the Deal? Trump Vows to Make North Korea's Kim Jong Un an Offer He Can't Refuse


Some say President Trump is making a major concession to Kim Jong Un, while others believe it's all part of “the art of the deal.” CBN News' David Brody weighed in on Wednesday's “The 700 Club.” Watch above.

WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump raised doubts about the summit with North Korea while meeting this week with South Korea's president in the Oval Office.

"There is a chance it won't work out," said Trump. "That doesn't mean it won't work out over a period of time, but it may not work out for June 12."

The news comes after North Korean officials objected to a "one-sided" deal to give up their nuclear weapons before getting anything in return.

But Trump says 'not so fast' as he's willing to make an offer to Kim Jong Un for a denuclearized North Korea.

"I will guarantee his safety," Trump said. "Yes, he will be safe; he will be happy; his country will be rich."

While overseas, Trump could make a stop in Jerusalem to visit the new US Embassy.

The news comes amid a week of Hamas-led riots along Israel's border with the Gaza Strip, which begs the question – will the US step in to help?

"There is no scheduled meeting (with the Palestinian Authority) at this point, but if that changes we will certainly let you guys know," said White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders.

Meanwhile, on Tuesday evening, the president rallied pro-life voters ahead of the fall midterms.

"Now for the first time since Roe v. Wade America has a pro-life president, a pro-life vice president, a pro-life House of Representatives and 25 pro-life Republican state capitals," said Trump.

Trump took center stage at the Susan B. Anthony List as the first president to give the keynote address at the Campaign for Life Gala.

There he touted his new proposal to stop tax dollars from being used for abortions.

"For decades, American taxpayers have been wrongfully forced to subsidize the abortion industry through Title X federal funding," said Trump. "So today, we have kept another promise. My administration has proposed a new rule to prohibit Title 10 funding from going to any clinic that performs abortions."

In the days ahead, the president will continue working to get the North Korea summit back on track.

Trump has issued the North a clear ultimatum – no nukes or no meeting.

The president would like to have an "all-in deal," insisting Kim give up all his nuclear weapons at once. Trump has not, however, ruled out the chance he would accept something short of that.

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